Dom Testa's Galahad series has already claimed multiple awards, including a Writer's Digest Grand Prize, selected from over 1500 international titles. Now, in this thrilling third volume, the teenage explorers confront their biggest challenge yet, as...
When the tail of the comet Bhaktul flicks through the Earth's atmosphere, deadly particles are left in its wake. Suddenly, mankind is confronted with a virus that devastates the adult population. Only those under the age of eighteen seem to be immune...
When the tail of the comet Bhaktul flicks through the Earth's atmosphere, deadly particles are left in its wake, and mankind is confronted with a virus that devastates the adult population. A renowned scientist proposes a bold plan: to build a ship t...
With the help of the mysterious alien force known as the Cassini, the teenage crew of Galahad has managed to navigate safely through the minefield of the Kuiper Belt. But just as they exit the Belt, they are confronted by their next challenge: a grou...
Just a year into their mission, the crew of Galahad has endured a sabotage attempt, alien encounters, and a dangerous passage through an asteroid belt. Now, as unpredictable waves of radiation threaten the very survival of the ship, Council leader Tr...
Council leader Triana Martell has returned from her journey through the mysterious wormhole. but she isn't alone. She is accompanied by the ambassador of an alien race -- the Dollovit. While the Council and crew of Galahad struggle to come to term...
“Thrillers with a perfect blend of humor. Eric Swan is a modern mashup of James Bond and Fletch.” - Charlie Keaton, author and founder of Brubaker CreativeEric Swan can be killed - but he can never die. For a government agent hunting the most dan...
Super-spy Eric Swan has given his life for his country. More than once. But each time he does it, he wonders how much of his soul he’s sacrificing.
Now he must battle a treacherous madman intent on poisoning the water supply. But this Nobel-...
The spy who can never die is back in action!After weeks spent contemplating his future, Eric Swan is called back to the covert spy agency known simply as Q2. And this could be his most bizarre case ever.A tech billionaire has set his sights on a new ...