A group of delightfully eccentric women, who have a penchant for casting spells, find their peaceful world turned upside down by the arrival of a mysterious stranger who, they believe, is connected to the disappearance of two young boys, causing them...
Life in Plymouth, Massachusetts, may not be fast-paced, but it's certainly busy enough for Cass Shipton. Between her thriving herbalist business and her circle of devoted friends--not to mention tending to the needs of her eccentric mutt, Scruffy--Ca...
Five spirited women--Cass, owner of a herbal products business; Heather, a wealthy benefactor of no-kill animal shelters; Phillipa, a witty poet; Deirdre, an anatomically correct dollmaker; and Fiona, a librarian--wreak havoc in their quiet New Engla...
"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." --Katharine Hepburn In her bewitching novels of female friendship, fun, and delicious mischief, Dolores Stewart Riccio has charmed readers who want to know more about marvelous Cass, sweet Heather, ...
They’re back…and they’re playing with fire! In this 5th episode of Riccio’s wickedly entertaining Circle series, Cass Shipton and her bewitching friends return for more crime-solving escapades in historic Plymouth, Massachusetts. When Fresh M...
A cruise through the Bermuda Triangle on the good ship Norse Goddess of the Sea--right in time to celebrate Samhain! How can clairvoyant Cass Shipton and her bewitching circle resist such an enchanting prospect? Embarking on a restful holiday from cr...
The ladies of the Circle are rushing to the rescue again, crusading for the Goddess of Justice in their own preternatural way-even if that means tipping Her scales a bit. It all begins at Lammas, the August Festival of Bread, when Cass Shipton is cal...
As the Harvest Moon rises over the Atlantic, it’s hot times again in Plymouth, Massachusetts for the bewitching ladies of the Circle, who embark on their most challenging rescues yet! It all begins when Cass tried to help a disturbed ex-model, Ada,...
THE BEWITCHING LADIES OF THE CIRCLE ARE DIGGING UP TROUBLE AGAIN! In the 9th Cass Shipton adventure, the serenity of summer on the South Shore of Massachusetts is rudely disturbed when a rabid preacher and his ragtag following of parishioners begin t...
When Olivia Andreas goes to an auction with her friend Jamie Finch, she doesn’t expect to bring home a ghost! A professional records organizer who starts every day with a “To Do” list and is always on time for appointments, Olivia is not a beli...
A family ghost. A lost treasure. A vengeful enemy from the past. A would-be Jack the Ripper. The Circle of Five takes off on another wild, wacky adventure!
London bridge is falling down, falling down, my fair lady…when the fair ladies of Plymout...
From the author of Circle of Five, the Cass Shipton Adventures and The Ghost Who Came Home from the Auction, a new novel of suspense. In the midst of World War II, a resourceful family confronts small town intrigue and unsuspected villainy.
From the author of The Ghost Who Came Home from the Auction, an exciting sequel… Olivia has a weakness for auctions -- and ghosts. This is not the best of times, however, to be haunted by the tragic spirit of a young bride -- just when Olivia has m...