In 1893, seventeen-year-old Mary Anne Schlegel left her uncle’s Chicago home to visit the World's Fair and vanished. The discovery of her fate more than a century later upends the life of Rachel Connolly, an adoptee desperately seeking her roots. R...
In the harsh early winter months of 1872, while Chicago is still smoldering from the Great Fire, Irish Catholic detective Frank Hanley is assigned the case of a murdered Orthodox Jewish rabbi. His investigation proves difficult when the neighborhoodâ...
On a spring morning in 1872, former Civil War officer Ben Champion is discovered dead in his Chicago bedroom -- a bayonet protruding from his back. What starts as a routine case for Detective Frank Hanley soon becomes anything but, as his investigati...
As Chicago recovers from the Great Fire of 1871, the Civil War continues to haunt its residents. What begins for Detective Frank Hanley as the simple case of a missing railroad clerk quickly escalates into something much more complex. Ezra Hayes, who...