A humorously scathing fictional portrait of Hollywood in the 1990s follows the adventures and misadventures of film wannabe Nathan Pitch, who struggles to cope with the intrigue of the movie system, until he decides to undermine the world in which he...
Despite his vast wealth, bachelor status, his own magazine Swagbelly, and the company of a succession of gorgeous models, Elliot Grubman finds happiness eluding him as his wife leaves him for her rock-climbing instructor, his son decides to c...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
D.J. Levien has published 2 books.
D.J. Levien does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Swagbelly, was published in August 2003.
The first book by D.J. Levien, Wormwood, was published in June 1999.