A compelling, fast-moving contemporary thriller: In Albany, New York, the governor's infant daughter disappears without a trace from her crib at the Executive Mansion. Hours later, newly divorced and down-and-out writer Jamie Carter is abduct...
It's been two years since Jamie Carter escaped captivity and saved Charlotte Grand, the infant daughter of New York Governor Phillip Grand, becoming a national hero for foiling the kidnapping plot that incarcerated reputed mobster/entrepreneur Don...
When a bomb is discovered in the White House during the first year of Phillip Grand’s tenure as president of the United States, press secretary Jamie Carter takes her daughter, Faith, to the one place she believes to be safe -- an address in Wyomin...
When Kirk Stryker, a respected certified public accountant, is brutally murdered in his office in the Long Island village of Gardenia, all eyes are on rival Marty Benning, the handsome newcomer whose high-tech firm has been stealing Stryker’s busin...
From the author of the bestselling thriller Baby Grand comes the heart-pounding story of a man who had no future. Little did he know, the future of humankind would be in his hands.A despondent Benedikt Rafnkelsson is ready to end his nothing life whe...