Dianne Warren has crafted seven exquisite stories, each of them a novella in scope. Each of the stories features a casual violation that brings home the fragility of middle-class life in this suburban world of small accidents with enormous repercussi...
With writing reminiscent of Alice Munro, Carol Shields, Larry McMurtry, and Elizabeth Strout, Juliet in August uncovers the incredible drama beneath the inhabitants of a sleepy prairie town. Juliet, Saskatchewan, is a blink-and-you-miss-it kind o...
A two-sided book on nutrition for young children. Colorful illustrations and rhyming verse show kids the connections bewteen what they eat and how they look, feel and perform. Each page designed to build math and reading readiness skills....
A deeply affecting novel about the truths we avoid and the bad choices that come back to haunt us. Gridlocked in the churchyard of a small Irish town, the traffic frozen in place for a funeral, Frances Moon pauses long enough to make a confession...