Class, race, and sexuality converge in this page-turning story of desire, jealousy, and survival.Set in west Philadelphia in the early sixties, Tempest Rising tells the story of three sisters, Bliss, Victoria, and Shern, budding adolescents...
"McKinney-Whetstone uses her gift for language to weave a love story that spans more than twenty years and three lives. . . . Blues Dancing is a novel well worth curling up with a long winter’s night." -- EssenceFrom acclaimed write...
A riveting tale about a back-room abortion that has devastating consequences for two teenage girls on a close knit Philadelphia block circa 1972Block parties were king in this West Philadelphia neighborhood, especially the year Cecil Street decided t...
From the author of Blues Dancing and Tumbling -- a writer who “ought to be classified among the best of all contemporary fiction writers period” (Detroit Free Press) -- comes a riveting novel about the desire for redemption and rebirthMoving acro...
Family Threads has descriptive copy which is not yet available from the Publisher....