The small country town of Bliss Falls, Missouri falls under attack when a killer ravages the rural community. Shannon, a strong, determined young woman escapes a madman’s confinement setting off a series of disturbing events no one could ever imagi...
In the late 1990’s, the bodies of eight women were discovered in a remote region of the Mark Twain National Forest â€" each one had been abducted from the St. Louis area, more than 100 miles away. A serial killer’s heinous crimes terrorized the c...
The small country town of Bliss Falls, Missouri falls under attack when a killer ravages the rural community. Shannon, a strong, determined young woman escapes a madman’s confinement setting off a series of disturbing events no one could ever imagi...
In the late 1990’s, the bodies of eight women were discovered in a remote region of the Mark Twain National Forest â€" each one had been abducted from the St. Louis area, more than 100 miles away. A serial killer’s heinous crimes terrorized the c...
Larkin Hayes escapes her stalker and captor after years of psychological torture only to find that in her absence, he has replaced her with a 13 year old girl.Now the race is on. Larkin will stop at nothing to save the child ......
A heartwarming tale of kindness and unconditional love, 'Mr. Ollie Bug: A Purrr-fect Tale of Love and Cuddles' will leave readers captivated by the immediate connection between Mr. Ollie Bug, a charming tabby cat, and his new mom and brother. This he...
Mr. Ollie Bug's First Christmas Join Mr. Ollie Bug, an adorable and curious kitty, as he experiences his first Christmas with his loving new family. Mr. Ollie Bug is amazed by the sparkling lights, shiny ornaments, and the tall Christmas tree that ha...
Just beyond the bustling city streets of St. Louis, Missouri lies a rugged, isolated region marked with rivers, forests, caves, and a mysterious legend. Now, the legend of White House Road comes to life. Many have heard … some have seen &helli...