Nineteen-year-old Helen Reynolds, journeying cross-country by train as America enters World War II, meets and is bewitched by John O'Connell, a former suitor of her mother, the sad, beautiful, alcoholic Selma...
This novel, set in small-town America in 1950, follows 19 year-old Grace Dowell through a period of confusion, both in love and in relationships with the people she has known all her life. Diana O'Hehir turned to teaching literature after a brief car...
“Incisive wit . . . a sleuth worthy of comparison to Agatha Christie’s Hercule Poirot or Sue Grafton’s Kinsey Millhone.” -- James W. HallDiana O’Hehir beguiled audiences with I Wish This War Were Over, runner-up for the Pulitzer Prize. Now,...
As they have so many times before, Carla Day and her Egyptologist father are visiting the museum--and the ancient coffin lid he discovered years ago--when a fellow museumgoer falls to the floor, choking. Dr. Day rushes to pry off the poor man's tie, ...