In this gritty, fast-paced debut thriller, an ex-con biker chick turned law-abiding citizen risks everything to save her new life -- and confront the demons of her past. Shea Stevens is biker royalty. Her father was the president of the Confedera...
In this hard-edged biker thriller, Shea Stevens goes undercover with a women's motorcycle club eager to make its mark on the desertwhen all she wants to do is ride off into the sunset. Shea Stevens thought she was finished with outlaws. After a t...
Sappho Espinoza-Brown is tired of being teased at school for having two lesbian moms, even though she is straight. The fact that they named her after a classic lesbian author doesn't help. She finds support from her best friend, Danielle, who is a le...
While in pursuit of an accused murderer, bounty hunter Jinx Ballou must face a past trauma to stop a terrorist plot.Bounty hunter Jinx Ballou is hot on the heels of an accused murderer. Her investigation reveals her fugitive is involved with White Na...
Jinx never cared if a fugitive was innocent. Until now. Months after a series of bombings shattered the city of Phoenix, bounty hunter Jinx Ballou still struggles to rebuild her life, haunted by the people she's lost.When a new job offer comes her wa...
She tried to put her criminal past behind her. It didn't take. Shea Stevens grew up in the world of outlaw bikers. Her father was the president of a local biker gang until he went to prison for murdering her mother.After a brief stint in prison herse...
Some secrets are deadly. When approached by a troubled woman, Shea Stevens offers the protection of the Athena Sisterhood Motorcycle Club. But the powerful politician this woman is running from will do anything to conceal a dark secret. After Shea an...
When an attempt to apprehend a fugitive drug trafficker goes horribly wrong, bounty hunter Jinx Ballou is determined not only to make things right. Unfortunately, she's been paired up with a team member who doesn't think Jinx is up to the task. In th...
They Killed Her Girlfriend. Now She Wants Revenge. Avery Byrne is haunted by guilt. Years have passed since the young goth tattoo artist murdered an abusive pimp to protect a friend. But when a ruthless mobster murders her girlfriend, Avery fear...
Who's Running the Human Chop Shop Known as Red Market? For bounty hunter Jinx Ballou, work has taken a turn for the macabre. Among the fugitives she's been hired to apprehend is a man wanted for illegally selling cadavers. When the body bro...
Avery Byrne is bent on revenge and desperate for love.Young tattoo artist Avery Byrne refuses to accept that her friend's death was an accident. Armed with determination and a thirst for justice, Avery dives into Phoenix, Arizona's adrenaline-fueled ...
Amidst a violent storm of hate, she fights for justice and her community's survival. A swatting attack on a fellow transgender woman ignites a fire within Avery Byrne. A goth tattoo artist by day and a fierce vigilante by night, Avery sees a sin...