An escaped convict takes a child hostage and discovers that, because of his mother's religious faith, the fatherless boy has not been permitted to enjoy himself. They build a father-son relationship during their flight from Red Garnett, a Texas polic...
Based on the true story, The Man-Eaters of Tsavo, this novelization tells the story of two renowned hunters' attempts to track and kill a pair of man-eating lions--one ghostly white, the other black as night--who terrorized workers building a bridge ...
A tie-in to Universal's blockbuster film portrays a world as seen through the eyes of two heroes who struggle to save the earth and survive when an active volcano becomes an inferno of mayhem and destruction. Original. Movie tie-in....
Ex-convict Danny Ocean and his team of talented con men come up with an ingenious scheme to rip off three of Las Vegas's biggest casinos, but his seductive ex-wife could turn the plan upside down. Original. (Novelization of the new film, releasing Wi...
David Gale sits on death row, awaiting execution by lethal injection -- an irony not lost on the imprisoned death penalty opponent. Charged with and convicted of the rape and murder of a fellow activist, the former university professor contacts a har...