In Aldonnia, the evil of Varkadon overflows its borders. War ravages the lands… For as long as eighteen year-old Alanna can remember she’s lived in hiding, sealed off from the outside world. Despite a future built around a steadfast rule of seclu...
As the flames of Varkadon spread, war rips through the Shifter Territory… With the Aldonnian kingdom celebrating the news of her brother’s soul bonding, Laelynn seizes every opportunity to drive herself to the brink of exhaustion. If her body is ...
The time has come. The war ends now ... Syrina’s inner energy has not been the same since the Guardian Alanna saved her that day in the market. A burning need to help others drives her to seek permission to join the caravan headed to the Rebels cam...
There is nothing in life that eighteen year old Zara craves more than her freedom. Stolen from her home in Cadrebia at the age of eight, Zara has spent more years than she cared to admit as a slave to the Tankadesh courts. Her days are filled with pr...
Dorothy got sucked into a tornado. Alice fell down a hole. Wendy flew to Neverland. Kamryn? She tripped down the stairs. Now, Kamryn Kensington finds herself in a strange new world. Within minutes of her arrival, she dodges an archer’s arrow and av...