A message, a general, and an impossible journey... Four decades into the future, America is spotted with smoggy, military-ruled cities. Economic failure, riots, and war have poisoned the land. In northern Michigan, Richard Braxton lives with his frie...
A directive, an army, and a shattered society... For a year, Richard Braxton has worked with the Empire of America and the Shield and Sword Alliance against the rising armies of Malevocrax. Though they relentlessly gained ground, the hybrids were sla...
Richard and his friends are weak, lost, and scattered to the winds. But hope remains. After losing his home nation, Jason and the others in Canada must confront the futility of their fight and resist the whispers that urge them into darkness. Meanwhi...
One year after the establishment of the Hybrid Empire, the great American cities have been turned into re-education camps for all humanity. Malevocrax is putting the finishing touches on a weapon that will bring the entire world to its knees, while R...