In this deeply humane and moving tapestry of a novel set against the backdrop of a labor camp, the life of one family unfolds as it bursts out from under the red roof of its shanty, ripped by marital strife, generational conflict and frustrated famil...
Southern bride Catherine Kelly is plunged into a world of danger and deceit in this riveting tale set during the Civil War. Husband Andrew is finally returning home after being wounded in a battle between North and South. Having married him on impuls...
Lindsey Sims is a little different from most of her school friends--she dislikes cell phones, doesn't want a boyfriend, and loves to read mysteries. When her parents go on a cruise and leave her with her older sister's best friend, Julie, she gets to...
High-spirited Genny Romayne is determined not to marry the man her father has chosen for her. Her daring pursuit of independence leads her to a man she will come to love and hate, and sets them both on a quest for truth that may cost them their lives...
ABOUT THE BOOK: Alysia of Athens, pampered daughter of a wealthy physician, is taken from her home and sold into slavery when her father is accused of treason during the turbulent reign of Tiberius Caesar. She is purchased by Paulus Valerius, a power...
ABOUT THE BOOK: Paulus Valerius, former legate in the Roman army, and Alysia, the woman he loves, face danger and betrayal-and the maniacal emperor, Caligula-as they seek to spread the word of God from Jerusalem to Rome. From its suspenseful beginnin...
ABOUT THE BOOK: The daughter of Paulus and Alysia is grown now, and ready for a life of her own. But Rachel is unable to rise above her past, and something that happened in Rome ten years ago. Metellus, former tribune in the Praetorian Guard, has bee...
Mallory thought she was safe, but the secret she shared with a former slave came back to haunt her. The war was over -- but not for her. It would never be over for her. And she couldn’t have expected that her secret would lead to murder -- or to...