Sam and the Floorboard Gang, the First Adventure, is a children's fantasy book that takes you inside a world you never knew existed. Sam and his friend discover a hidden town beneath his bed room floorboards. The fun just begins when the Mayor of the...
This second installment of the Sam and the Floorboard Gang seriescontinues where the First Adventureleaves off.Bugboy uses the shrinking potionfor a reverse effect and comes to Sam's world to ask for help when the crittersinvade Wee Townand kidnap Ma...
In this third installment of the Sam and the Floorboard Gang series, Bobby accidentally tells Evan, a mischievous schoolmate, about Wee Town. Then, when Evan sneaks into Sam's room and stumbles into Wee Town, he ends up getting into trouble and turni...
Sam and the Floorboard Gang, Part 4: The Beginning of the End, goes back in time, long before Sam discovered the hidden town under his bedroom floorboards. Join the wee people in their magical journey to find a new home, and learn how Wee Town got it...