Set in New Zealand, this compelling, romantic tale is about three teenagers, Paul, Simon, and Fiona, who are trying to understand their past, their place in the present, and what the future holds for them....
Two teenagers of widely different backgrounds--Ben, born and raised in rural Pennsylvania, who spends much of his time working and riding his horse, Galaxy, and Laura, a troubled student at an exclusive boarding school--find each other and new meanin...
M. Taylor Armstrong-Brown. It's a good name for a journalist. When Taylor moves to the remote town of Hunter's Gap from Philadelphia, she copes by being an impartial observer. She plans on biding her time until she can escape to prep school and colle...
When Eric Gusset hugged goodbye to Gutsy, his one-eared Jack Russell, and trudged off to Tootingsbottom General Hospital to get his ears unclogged, it was probably just as well he'd no idea what was coming next. Because, not only did he come away fix...