Our government decided it would be highly advantageous to create an expendable replacement army. This is about one such "creature" that escapes their confines. His mission is to halt production... and unwittingly discovers the underworld's diabolical...
In the sequel to The True-Life Adventures of Insane Beer-Belly Kitty or SUPERCAT, our heroes travel to Seattle to retrieve the scientist's concoction. They discover that it is too late and must prepare for the worst!...
This is the third of an on-going series in the adventures of Jake, the Beer-Belly Kitty. In this episode they realize the underworld has expedited work in their secret laboratories. Also, the fearsome, Savage, Incorrigible, Cat-Creature (SICC) makes ...
This is the fourth book of the ongoing story of the upcoming battle to save our world. Our heroes, comprised of, JAKE (the former Beer-Belly Kitty) and his Panther Force creature cats, Jake’s children that mirrors their lynx mother known as The Sil...