Part novel, part fantasy, part social history, this collection of short stories set in the valleys of South Wales follows the lives of two sisters, Grace and Tamar. As these dark, universal stories detail their volatile sibling rivalry—on sever...
One ordinary afternoon in a nameless town, a nameless young woman is at work in a benefits office. Ten minutes later, she is in an underground parking lot, slammed up against a wall, having sex with a stranger.What made her do this? How can she forge...
'Exquisite... To be marvelled at.' GuardianShortlisted for the Encore AwardLonglisted for the Baileys Women's Prize for FictionPearl can be very, very good. More often she is very, very bad. But she’s just a child, a mystery to all who know her. A ...
This is no ordinary random collection of short stories. Here each brief narrative stands on its own yet forms part of a continuous and powerful sequence.
Set in the eastern valleys of south Wales from 1970 to the present day, it relates the ...
From the award-winning author, a hauntingly beautiful coming of age novel set in the Welsh valleys of the 1970s Tirzah has lived a life of seclusion in a staunchly religious family. But when she begins to struggle against the confines of her communit...