Join the Clifton family as they descend into the "infernal" regions of Yellowstone the year that it is declared the world's first national park. Encounter bison, meet prospectors, travel with railroad men, and run into the Bannock tribe. In their fir...
In this page-turning sequel to the award winning The Land of Curiosities: Adventures in Yellowstone, thirteen-year-old James Clifton joins the Hayden Expedition of 1872 in a desperate attempt to find his...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Deanna Neil has published 2 books.
Deanna Neil does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, The Land of Curiosities (1872-1873), was published in April 2009.
The first book by Deanna Neil, The Land of Curiosities (1871-1872), was published in December 2007.