Enter a world filled with mystery and suspense in DB Jones’s magical debut novel, Willow of Endless Waters, the Journey Begins. Readers will instantly become enchanted with the vivid fantasy of a young woman whose journey toward self-discovery lead...
Struggling to make due with her ordinary life and stuck in a pokey small town surrounded by a one-pump gas station and run-down general store, Summer St.Clair spends her days sitting on her porch wondering if watching the paint dry on the easel is go...
Travel with Willow through magical worlds as she discovers a great evil that lies beneath the Endless Waters. An evil so terrifying it has been sealed in the underworld for over a thousand years and if escapes, could annihilate the sea kingdom and sh...
NIGHTS OF AUTUMN Life will never be the same for Autumn Burns after the death of her beloved fiance’, David. But a new life in a quiet little town on the banks of the river just might be what she was looking for until she finds herself in the middl...
Winter Hart visits in a small, mysterious town nestled beneath the palms and Live Oaks of central Florida. But all she can see is the unsolved death that needs her investigative reporting skills. She cautiously walks up the crumbling steps leading to...
The tenacious, young FBI Agent, Madison Hart returns to her hometown believing she is going to be investigating a missing person’s case. Little does she know the trail is leading her into the depths of someone’s dark obsession…and murder. She t...
It would be a bizarre case that would shake the very core of Madison's quiet hometown of Maitland, Florida. Never in her career as an FBI Criminal Investigator had she come across such a twisted, complex but intriguing case. But could she leave the F...
Madison Hart struggles to juggle her life as an FBI Agent and a Private Investigator as she teams up with Detective Josh Logan of the Maitland Police Department. What seems to be a simple case of a missing young woman soon escalates into a complex tr...
Willow has transformed from the shy young girl who lived with her family on land, to the most powerful being in the endless waters, the Goddess of the sea. She is an ongoing mystery that not even the most powerful souls in the land of the ancients ca...
The fearless, gun-slinging FBI Criminal Investigator, Madison Hart, finds herself questioning her past as she investigates a murdered couple in her hometown of Maitland, Florida. Close friends of her family, whom she had known most of her life are ki...
Madison Hart and Detective Josh Logan find themselves spinning in a veil of secrets, deception, and murder as they try to unravel the motive behind a series of bizarre murders. The killer's skills of masking their identity only complicate the case. M...
Tommy O’Conner loves only one girl, Devyn Murray. He has loved her since the first day he saw her coming down the halls of the Bath County High School. Her flowing red curls cascading down her back and the smile on her face immediately captured his...
Madison feels the constant presence of someone close, watching her every move. Is someone stalking her and why? Could someone from Madison’s past be seeking revenge because of a case she solved or is this totally unrelated? As Madison and Josh try ...
Madison Hart struggles to regain her life after her near-death encounter at the hands of the man who vowed to get his revenge for the death of his brother. What she believes to be a case of arson soon develops into a complicated case of murder, money...
During a stand-off with a killer who almost ended Detective Josh Logan's life with a gunshot wound to the chest, Agent Madison Hart rushes into the room as Josh slumps to the floor. The murderer turns and draws his weapon on Madison but she doesn't h...