In this zany adventure story about the madly eccentric Twerp family, Kevin Twerp’s mum decides to take in a lodger, and Police Constable Rose Button, the All-England Mud Wallowing Champion, joins the household.
Those Queens of Crime, the Dinner Ladies, invent a cunning method of robbery - the Slurp Machine. There's only one problem, they need someone small to work it - someone like the heroic third-year junior, Caroline Crisp. A very funny story about some ...
Have you heard of Glob the Mutant? Did you know that even though he looks exactly like an ordinary boy he actually comes from another planet? This story is about him. It's also about sweet little Lucasta Smirk and how she fearlessly faced the evil Mr...
Are the dinner ladies at your school rough and tough? Do they pour vats of hot soup over innocent children? It was exactly the same at Littlehampton Primary where Plughole, owner of the World's Weirdest Laugh, went to school....