“An authentically great American novel” that follows a young man’s descent into darkness after a tragic loss, and his struggle to find renewal (Booklist, starred review).Raised in an idyllic Iowa town, young July Montgomery is rocked by the tra...
This tale of two Iowa brothers trying to escape the long shadow of their notorious father is “an almost impossible book to put down” (The Plain Dealer).This gripping novel tells the tale of the Easter family of Ontarion, Iowa. Ansel Easter was a ...
This novel from the acclaimed author of Driftless is “an arresting work about the salvation of a disintegrating Iowa family” (The New York Times).Survival has been the Sledge way since Reuben Sledge’s father first moved to Des Moines. Yet the f...
Come pay a visit to Oak Junction, Iowa, a small farming community filled with clean air and good people. Nothing much ever happens there; day by day, things go on as usual. That is, until the man in black shows up one day bearing a very old and power...
Through the trials and tribulations of a wife with an addiction, Officer David Rhodes struggles to raise his three precious young daughters as a single parent in the inner city jungle. Finding hope and redemption in the answer as to why?Fighting a ra...
Meet Dominic Drake. Constantly on the move to stay one step ahead of those who hunt him, the outcast from England takes up residence in the house across the street from Thad. Unexplained and terrifying things begin to happen on Crystal Avenue. Though...
Charles Dawson travels back in time and is trapped 100 million years in the past. Trying to survive from day to day in a world of dinosaurs he devises a plan to change his fate. As he begins to write messages in the soft mud of a nearby stream, he ca...
Had he known the hour of his death, the wealthy Harry Goldman might have arranged his day differently. Instead, he finds himself plunged into a nightmare in which his life of violence and ruthless greed is laid bare before him. Accompanied by a disre...
Charles, Lauren, Ron, Lisa and Danny are still trying to get their lives back together after the events they endured in Written In Stone. But the traumatic events still haunt all of them. When Ron and Lisa meet wealthy businessman and time traveler S...
It is 2027. August Helm is thirty years old. A biochemist working in a lab at the University of Chicago, he is swept off his feet by the beautiful and entirely self-assured Amanda Clark. Animated by August’s consuming desire, their relationship qui...
It is 2027. August Helm is thirty years old. A biochemist working in a lab at the Universityof Chicago, he is swept off his feet by the beautiful and entirely self-assured Amanda Clark. Animated by August’s consuming desire, their relationship ...
A time traveling madman believes humanity has lost its way. To force society to follow his demands for change, he unleashes dinosaurs on a horrified world. The dinosaurs, which he considers justice, will disappear only after every country follows his...