Saints City. An island community where everything appears idyllic. But in the cityOs underworld, Lord Magnus and the dreaded Gangster Federation spread crime and corruption. Daniel Stone is a teenager grieving for his father, battling the Payne Broth...
It's sixty-five million years ago. In the wild treacherous landscape of ancient North America, dinosaurs and many other species struggle daily to survive. Each of these creatures have their own stories, and this collection of tales takes place before...
It's been two years since the destruction of both the Gangster Federation, and Lord Magnus, in Saints City. Daniel Stone, better known to the criminal underworld as the Black Mamba, still continues his amoral mercenary profession for both the British...
Every gay boy needs an ally who will kill for him. And no boy could have a better ally than Todd Sweeney. When Todd’s best friend, Toby Ragg, is threatened by homophobic guidance counselor Ashford Squeers, Todd swings into action. But he swings jus...
Relationships between couples can deteriorate over time. After twenty-five years of neglect and selfishness by Paul, Rita finds herself driven by lust, excitement and the attention of an attractive man: her husband’s friend, David. Paul is shocked ...