When the impoverished young Arthur Doyle opens medical practice, he is puzzled by the symptoms presented by Heather Grace, a sweet young woman whose parents have died tragically several years before. Heather has a strange eye complaint, but is also u...
As a young medical student, Arthur Conan Doyle-the creator of Sherlock Holmes-studied under one of the pioneers in forensic medicine, Dr. Joseph Bell. While details of Doyle's actual relationship with the Doctor remain shrouded in mystery, author Dav...
"The third novel in an imaginative Victorian series narrated by the young Arthur Conan Doyle. As the inspirational model for Sherlock Holmes, the brilliant and eccentric Dr. Bell properly takes charge of the cryptic codes that figure in this ingen...
The story is about two abandoned children who are left to fend for themselves and strange things start to happen. Puzzle pieces start to appear for no known reason, and the children disap Who is the mastermind behind this plot?...
The story is about two children, Pedro and Maya, who are about to embark on a journey of their lives, with many twists and turns from the beginning until the end....