An epic that spans a crucial period of American westward expansion, Not Between Brothers is the bloody and gripping tale of the birth of the Lone Star State. Comprising a large cast of characters that includes memorable historical figures such as Ste...
There are many ways for a young man to go to hell when trying to find himself. Logan Wilson knows. Deadended in Texas, about to lose his fiancée Caitlin, Logan has impulsively committed himself to work a risky exploratory oil rig in Saudi Arabia...
The Cherokee tribe under the leadership of the visionary chieftain John Ridge struggles to cope with the vast influx of American settlers into what was once their homeland, an invasion that leads to a devastating war that culminates in the infamous T...
Jesse Reverchon is desperate to fix things. A ruptured marriage and a slumping literary reputation compel Jesse to a leap of faith. He transplants his corporate wife, Rebecca, and snarky adolescent son, Travis, to the far reaches of West Texas-the my...