In this thrilling debut, David J. Williams delivers a hard-hitting blend of military SF and dystopian cyberpunk, set in a futuristic landscape where hostilities rage from the Eastern and Western hemispheres to the outer ranges of space. In the 22...
In his electrifying debut, The Mirrored Heavens, David J. Williams created a dark futuristic world grounded in the military rivalries, terror tactics, and political wrangling of our own time. Now he takes his masterful blend of military SF, espionage...
With The Machinery of Light, David J. Williams completes his furiously paced, stunningly imagined trilogy -- a work of vision, beauty, and pulse-pounding futuristic action. September 26, 2110. 10:22 GMT. Following the assassination of the America...
What are we gonna do when we get back, then? Jake asked,sitting in the front seat of the Uber. I frowned, realising it was nearlytwo o'clock in the morning. The night was calm and quiet, and theLondon roads fairly empty as we drove back to the flat....