Tells the story of Cinderella from the point of view of Robert, a rat who is turned into the coachman for one night--yet after he returns to his animal form, he retains his power of speech, and a chain of surprising events follows...
This is the seventh collection of stories featuring the mischievous character Jeremy James. During his adventures, Jeremy causes chaos in a hospital when he goes for an X-ray, gets locked in the lavatory with his granny, and ensures that the souls...
This is the seventh book in the series featuring the mischievous character, Jeremy James. Jeremy goes to London with Daddy, where among other things, he sees polytishuns, and discovers that the guides at the National History Museum don't like you sli...
A third bind up of JEREMY JAMES adventures. This book contains: DO GERBILS GO TO HEAVEN? and NEVER STEAL WHEELS FROM A DOG.
Jeremy James is always saving things â€" whether it’s the Third World, Richard’s Gran or the souls of his poor pe...
An unforgettable tale of adventure, wonderfully illustrated by Chris Riddell. Alice in Wonderland meets Animal Farm
Lorina, a young schoolgirl, is led by a black rabbit through a wood to a magical land. There she finds a a race of green peop...
Jeremy James always seems to be getting into mischief and is fed up with grown-ups never knowing the answer to important questions.Join Jeremy James as his navigates his way through messy pesky supermarkets, goes to a football game and discovers the ...
Jeremy James always seems to be getting into mischief and is fed up with grown-ups never knowing the answer to important questions . . .Join Jeremy James as he finds himself in a runaway car, causes havoc at a birthday party and comes up with a cunni...