A free-spirited young girl named Amy helps twelve-year-old Dylan launch a profitable sideline to supplement his income from two part-time jobs and stand up to the bullies who taunt him about his imprisoned father...
Priding himself on not doing his homework or ever losing a fight, Toby Scudder starts sixth grade planning to rule the school, but sixth grade presents him with some tough situations that he can't bully his way through....
Hes seven feet tall and hairy, and the only thing worse than his terrible smell is his beastly reputation. The Mean One! Who can save the citizens of Sharpesvile from the nastiest outlaw who ever infested the West? Enter Gregory and his adoptive moth...
With ears like a bat and webbed toes, it seems as if ten-yearold Jake could fly right out of reality into the freedom of his dreams. No more worries about asthma, special reading class, or his parents' fighting--just sky. But Jake can't simply fly aw...