Fifteen-year-olds put surfing on hold following their discovery of an ancient secret that could lead to unimaginable wealth or a tragic and untimely end. Their quest becomes a dangerous obsession, ultimately forcing the choice between fortune and fri...
Dead ancestors should stay dead. 16-year-old Jack Rackham sets sail from St. Augustine with three friends aboard the magnificent schooner, Reckless Endeavor, to search for Aztec gold. Calico Jack, hanged for piracy in 1720, crashes through the ...
To save their friend they must rescue their enemy.
The notorious pirate, Calico Jack Rackham, dead for three centuries, has kidnapped Rachel, and holds her as bait to lure Jack and Kai into his trap. The boys will cross the Gulf of Mexico an...
9-year-old Jacob craves adventure. His grandfather (Pop) and older cousin Jack, both treasure hunters and, at times, ghost chasers, have survived many narrow escapes while collecting a fortune in valuable relics, gold coins and rare jewels. What coul...