In Arizona's harsh land of enduring legend, Peter Romero witnesses his cousin's violent death. While investigating, he must survive bullets, drug dealers, and angry local Apaches. Confronted by a supernatural coyote and befriended by an old man desce...
Cochiti Police Officer Peter Romero finds the teen daughter of his former love, Adelina, poisoned by Psilocybe Mexicana, or “God’s Flesh,” but evidence leads off the reservation. Against the demands of his wife, Costancia, and warnings by the F...
Cochiti Pueblo Policeman Peter Romero, a mean dog best caged, is stunned when he discovers a mountain lion he has killed sitting on his bed at home. The big cat demands vengeance for his mate and cubs killed by poachers. Game wardens die while Romero...
New Mexico tribal police officer, Peter Romero, embarks on another trill-packed hunt to find whoever has been leaving dead Arabian horses across the Southwest. A brutal double-murder involving his childhood friend on his own reservation stretches Rom...