Plagued by dreams of being burned at the stake, sophomore Colleen Martini learns from a psychic that she had been Joan of Arc in a previous life, and begins a desperate search for answers before her time runs out...
It's Halloween in Springwood and the place to be is the old Appleby mansion where the lord of the manor is none other than Jack Spyder, himself.
Born John Appleby, Jack Spyder changed his name when he was eight, right after he was discovered i...
When Tasha Karne goes to check the noisy, smelly, and creepy things going on in her basement, she finds nothing, not even her brother's clay statues, until a growling in the shadows and a set of sharp, pointy teeth reveals the truth about the creatur...
Eric Ross, the least attractive kid in school, is too ugly to be included in the photograph that a famous talent agent takes of all his classmates, who contract a disfiguring disease after the picture is taken. Original....
The legendary masked hero of Old California returns, posing as a foppish Spanish nobleman by day, but by night Don Diego transforms himself into Zorro, protector of the innocent and scourge of the wicked. Original....
When his father is murdered under strange circumstances, college football star Cameron Dean begins to suspect that his mother and aunt may have had something to do with it, but when he travels to Denmark to visit an unexpected inheritance, an ancient...
When two mismatched couples are paired off as part of a summer school "parenting" assignment, trouble erupts, a situation that is further complicated by the arrival of a mysterious carnival, complete with sideshow freaks, and by the machinations of d...
Experience the four-part season three Avatar: The Last Airbender finale like never before--through the eyes of your favorite Avatar characters: Aang, Zuko, Azula, Fire Lord Ozai, Sokka, Katara, and Uncle Iroh! Includes a totally exclusive interview w...
Bard's Blood #1The classic tales of William Shakespeare are often as packed with gore and corpses as the scariest slasher flick -- and can spawn equally gruesome sequels....Football star Cameron Dean is genuine campus royalty at Globe University, but...