An epic novel of adventure in the grandest tradition of historical fiction, Empires of Sand takes us on a thrilling, unforgettable journey. As civilizations collide around two men, a battle begins: for survival, for love, and for a destiny written in...
The South had lost the Civil War and was losing its soul. Uniformed Rebels who had fought honorably in the light of day now wore tattered sheets in the dark and burned crosses. In armed packs they dragged the helpless Negro or Indian from his bed and...
If you want a literary classic reading with five-dollar words, stop here. If you want space age information to stimulate your thirst for knowledge, stop here. If you want a little humor, a little humility, and a little philosophy, continue to the nex...
When you are sitting alone in your home or apartment, what do you think about? Your daily routines? God is with us in the routines, but as Christians we know there is more to life, so let's dig a little deeper. What are your passions? What are you...
“There is no problem so overwhelming it can’t be fixed with a little kidnapping, sex, horrific revenge and murder.” Cassie Allen has more than her share of life’s challenges. A dark and violent childhood. An abusive boyfriend. A loss of cont...