Thrown out on the streets of New York City, and doubting God’s existence, Anna Wilson accepts a job at the Children’s Aid Society. As an agent for the Society, she travels the west on trains full of orphans in search of families and homes. Becaus...
Orphaned at seven because of her mother’s suicide and her father’s abandonment, Emily Hayes, finds love in the arms of her grandmother, Barbara Stuart, an avid Elvis fan. Barbara trusts almost every man she meets. Emily has only known one man she...
Grace Bolling grew up loved and sheltered in the small fishing parish of Bridlington, on the coast of England. In the fall of 1910, her life changed dramatically the day her parents sent her to York, to work as a seamstress for her aunt, a well-renow...
Drake West loves his wife, Noel. The responsibilities of being sheriff leave him little time for her and cause them to drift apart. A rash of arson and murders entwine him in a plot where the price of failure is everything that matters. Noel West is ...