With renewed energy and bolstered powers, the Fallen prepare to square off against the invading hosts of Heaven. Unlikely alliances and new weapons will change the tide of the realm-spanning battle as Lucifer and Dahlia attempt to reclaim the powers...
In the early 21st century, the Cold War between the American and Chinese Empires slogs on in a stalemate. There's a ceasefire in effect, but the peace is artificial -- secretly enforced by an alien blockade that surrounds the planet. Earth is caught ...
...A split second later in the same galaxy as before, but pretty far away... Rake and Ravil have escaped Earth and the Empire, towing the rest of their friends and new allies with them. They flee to an abandoned Empire colony known only as Seed Plane...
Barely making it off Seed Planet Fifteen with their lives, Rake and the crew are content to hang out and lick their wounds for a while?if it weren?t for the fried wiring and Stalker damage that have left the ship prone to reoccurring blackouts. Needi...
Escaping an Empire-styled execution, the majority of the Waster crew is just looking for a break to catch their breath. After all, Marx is having severe personality issues, Darq is steadily losing his shit, and Mica is gone. Besides that though, love...