In MISS BUDGE IN LOVE Daphne Simpkins offers an entertaining collection of insightful and often humorous short stories that feature the endearing Miss Mildred Budge. A retired public school teacher, Miss Budge embarks on a series of slice-of-life adv...
Mildred Budge learns of the sudden and mysterious death of her former love, triggering a series of events and discoveries that show what others call retirement is open-ended and rich with adventurous possibilities. Cloverdale investigates self-identi...
Murder is a-foot and so is Mildred Budge in this newest installment in The Mildred Budge series and follow-up to Cloverdale. In Embankment, Mildred Budge and the other members of the pulpit committee crash into the bottom of a ravine after a close en...
Traditions grow up in neighborhoods and churches the way that they do in families. Fountain City, a fictional city in the Deep South, is no different. Their most recent tradition is the Faith Promise campaign that raises money for missions and feed...
Always a bride's maid--never a bride. That's part of the story of the life of Mildred Budge in this third novel in the series. But there is more to know about this Sunday School teacher who has been recruited to be a maid of honor for her good friend...