This noir fantasy thriller from a debut author introduces the gritty town of Titanshade, where danger lurks around every corner. Carter's a homicide cop in Titanshade, an oil boomtown where 8-tracks are state of the art, disco rules the radio, and...
The second book in the acclaimed Carter Archives noir fantasy series returns to the gritty town of Titanshade, where danger lurks around every corner.The city of Titanshade pulses with nervous energy. The discovery of new riches beneath its snowfield...
The third book in the acclaimed Carter Archives noir fantasy series returns to the gritty town of Titanshade, where danger lurks around every corner.Forbidden magic, murder... and disco. Carter's day keeps getting worse.With the return of spring, new...
Sweet and Sour Bites of Life is an unusual collection of situational poetry and prose involving a few differentaspects and areas of life, some sweet and some not so much. Some of these poems arevery personal and after much thought and debate they wer...
Bill Sullivan’s MLB pitching career is shattered when he is injured in an accident caused by a drunk driver. Natalie, Bill’s daughter, is in anguish because they had a fight a few hours before the accident. With a fractured hip, leg and b...