Rex, a durable soap-opera star, known to millions as the kindly Dr. Kelly, is lost in the persona of his TV role, which creates untold problems for his two women, his young son, his friend, and for himself...
Death erupts, throwing the love affair of Joe Longstreet, widowed father of a teenage son, and Miranda McDunna, twice-divorced mother of a six-year-old, into confusion, and the two must struggle to sustain their relationship, their families, and them...
In The Silence of Bartleby, Dan McCall proposes a new reading of Herman Melville's classic short tale "Bartleby, The Scrivener." McCall discuss in detail how "Bartleby has been read in the last half-century by practitioners of widely used critical me...
Triphammer, a hardened small-city cop with a tendency toward violence and the bottle, finds a new lease on life when he meets Sydney, a beautiful and sophisticated professor at the local college. Reprint....
From the author of Jack the Bear comes this tale of a young surgeon, Jim, assigned to a small hospital on an Apache reservation. Among a stoic people burdened by a cruel history, poverty, and alcoholism, Jim learns the healing power of compassion fro...