As events switch between London and Switzerland, Jacobson introduces us to a host of vivid and extraordinary characters. Most notable amongst these is London-born Timothy Fogel, a child with the wilful belief that he has been endowed with special pow...
Dan Jacobson retells the age-old, biblical story of the rape of King David's daughter by her brother Amnon. Out of this material he creates a tragic and sardonically humorous novel, wholly modern in spirit and yet true to the time in which it is set....
Lyndhurst, South Africa, is a declining diamond-mining town, much like Kimberley where the author of the novel grew up. As long-term business partners and friends, Mr Fink and Mr Gottlieb find themselves tempted away from the straight and narrow towa...
Timbuktu, Timbuktu contains the winning and short listed stories from the Caine Prize for African Writing 2001. Bringing together writers from Mozambique, Nigeria, Somalia and Tunisia, this collection is a showcase of African talent. It follows the p...
The tale of a scandalous affair between a Hapsburg princess and a lowly cavalryman, it was the greatest European scandal of the day: she was Louise of Saxe-Coburg, the wife of a prince, the daughter of King Leopold II of Belgium. Her lover was Second...
Kenneth Makeer â€" intelligent, South African and black â€" travels to London to study law where he meets a fellow South African â€" a white girl â€" whom he eventually marries. Yet mixed marriages are outlawed in the Union, and so when they return h...
The Trap and A Dance in the Sun bring together Jacobson's initial two novels â€" stories of racial confrontation and social injustice on the South African veld. In The Trap, relations between the white farmers and their black workers are brought on t...