Revenge turns a homecoming celebration into tragedy when fire kills the family of sixteen year old aboriginal Blue Saltwater, destroying his boyhood dreams and forcing his relocation from the pristine islands of Haida Gwaii to the St. Ignatius Reside...
When renowned German dentist, Friedrich Mueller, is discovered concealing his Jewish ancestry, he must compromise his ideals and take a secret oath to avoid the gas chambers of Auschwitz. Compelled to leave their beloved country, Friedrich and his w...
Learn all about amazing inventors throughout history in a graphic novel format!
Learn about the innovative heroes who changed the world we live in with their inventions: from Johannes Gutenberg and Thomas Edison to Ada Lovelace, Alan Turin...
Who do you want to be today? This lovely and interactive lift-the-flap series introduces children to a diverse range of jobs and daily routines. Each book features cleverly constructed flaps, paired with simple and friendly text, perfect for helping ...
Who do you want to be today? This lovely and interactive lift-the-flap series introduces children to a diverse range of jobs and daily routines. Each book features cleverly constructed flaps, paired with simple and friendly text, perfect for helping ...