Blanche Montague, companion to the eccentric Lady Sabella, finds herself entangled with Gareth McQuhae, a fugitive Scot, the villainous Earl of Eriskay, and Mordaunt Ravenswood, a secret agent for Bonnie Prince Charlie...
Living in Ireland to escape her father's debts, Mariana Porter returns to London with her aunt and discovers that she is to be co-heir to the vast fortune of an unknown uncle provided she marries a member of the family within the year...
The adventures of Meg, a seventeen-year-old Jacobite spy include the cultivation of the mysterious Robert Dellanoy--to whom she finds herself drawn--for her patron, Lady Sabella, and when Sabella flees England, a new career in the theater...
SHE WAS A WOMAN WHO KNEW HER OWN MIND BUT NOT HER OWN HEART A BARTERED BRIDE Clarissa St. Miniver was no blushing bride when she exchanged wedding vows with Viscount Wrackham. She was a proud young woman coolly grasping a golden opportunity -- to...
He was a handsome scoundrel whose luck was uncanny with spades, clubs, diamonds -- and hearts A GAME OF CHANCE... About to be thrown into the street by her landlady, the poor but ever-virtuous Elinor Hardy was forced to earn her rent as a deal...