September 1941 in war-torn England -- thirteen-year-old Harry Lockwood steps off the train and embarks on his new life at Markham College, a boys' boarding school near London. With his father stationed in North Africa and his mother working in a muni...
The time: those grey years following the Second World War. Where it happens: in West Germany, Austria, at a castle in Czechoslovakia and in the UK. The story: Trooper Harry Lockwood is serving the last nine months of his National Service in the 5th R...
The year is 1950 and four friends from Markham College in England are now young men in their early twenties. THE ICELAND CONNECTION is the last book in the trilogy that follows their eventful lives during and after the Second World War. Richard Bloom...
"'She Came From Away' is an excellent read. It moves fast and is gripping - very smooth and very exciting with plenty of romance, adventure, and suspense." - Robynn Clairday, Author of "Postcards from World War II." A dead uncle, an ordinary and a su...