"Princess Esmeralda" is a magical story of a young girl, with the help of an enchanted seahorse, who finds out who she truly is and discovers her world is full of colour and love. It is a story for adults and parents to share with their children i...
In Book One, Princess Esmeralda finds out who she is. She realizes she is special, she is loved, and her magical garden is full of colour and joy. In continuing the story into Book Two, Esmeralda sees the seasons change and learns from the fairies an...
The Power of a Prophetic Mindset is a powerful tool to help you discover the one thing that is missing in your life. That thing that has caused you not to unlock, what has held you back from dominating relationally, professionally, naturally, and sp...
Book III carries on from Books I and II, the main character Princess Esmeralda discovering who she is and that her world is full of colour and love not greyness and sadness. In Book Three Esmeralda and Quiro go on a Quest with the enchanted seahorse,...