An erotic suspense story as a young woman navigates the criminal underworld despite her own moral conflicts. She ran away from home as a teen to escape her overprotective and heavily religious family, but now Trenda Fuqua finds herself seduced by...
Bullets & Ballads is an erotic, psychological drama revolving around musical genius, Apollo Knight. Follow along as he navigates a world laced with love, deceit, lust of the highest order and pain. This story is sure to massage your emotions and kind...
A fast-paced thriller from the author of Sins of a Siren finds a young woman fighting for her life as she struggles to avoid her criminal past. After running away from home as a teen, seeking to escape her overprotective and heavily religious fam...
Millions of years ago, the beloved daughter of a powerful sorceress is brutally murdered. Naturally devastated, Asase sells her soul to the Dark. In exchange, she receives the power to carry on an eternal curse on mankind. Now in present day, Asase p...