Erupting from the depths of a madman's nightmare, a foul tide of twisted magical abominations sweeps across the kingdom of Neffrom, devouring everything in its path, spreading a terrible, soul-corrupting curse like a plague across the land. Hope burn...
A delightful and engrossing fantasy debut featuring an intelligent heroine and her guardian, a royal musketeer. In a world of soaring continents and bottomless skies, where a burgeoning new science lifts skyships into the cloud-strewn heights, and...
The masterful second novel in Curtis Craddock's critically-acclaimed high fantasy Risen Kingdoms series, continuing the engrossing tale of courtly intrigue and breathtaking magic, and starring our fiercely intelligent heroine Isabelle des Zephyrs wit...
The Three Musketeers meets Jules Verne in Curtis Craddock's The Last Uncharted Sky, the concluding novel in the critically-acclaimed high fantasy Risen Kingdoms series, an engrossing tale of courtly intrigue and breathtaking magic. Isabelle an...