The first of three ARCTIC6 adventures for teenage readers. This adrenaline packed thriller follows the exploits of fifteen year old Iago, his cousins Cam, Tara and Renny, and his younger sister, Aretha. Joined by their friend, the bewitching Charlie,...
The covert operations team Arctic6 are called in to secretly sabotage a project to create an artifical star, but when they are captured during their mission, they are told they are being double-crossed....
Think Mission Impossible For Kids!When a powerful scientist turns bad, the outcome can affect the entire planet. Katrina Kreng, a formerly brilliant scientist at CERN (The European Organization for Nuclear Research), is hell bent on revenge. Her plan...
Think Mission Impossible For Kids!When a powerful scientist turns bad, the outcome can affect the entire planet. Katrina Kreng, a formerly brilliant scientist at CERN (The European Organization for Nuclear Research), is hell bent on revenge. Her plan...