Having shared most of their young lives with each other, Bryand McCord and Ellie Endicott are reunited when a murder takes place in their hometown, threatening everything they had ever believed in and forcing them to explore unresolved past issues. O...
Soul-weary Josie Marshall returned home after seven years to recover and reflect. But what she found was Michael Rawlins on her doorstep, asking for her hand in marriage. A long time ago, Josie had pledged to marry Michael...then left him when li...
EVERYTHING HAPPENED FOR A REASON.... Was there anything worse than going dateless to three family weddings? Matt Wynn didn't think so -- until he stumbled upon an armed convenience-store robbery. Thanks to fervent prayers and quick thinking, he sa...
A MOTHER AT HEART... Stranded with a handsome stranger and his infant daughter as a tornado roared above them, Jessie Claybrook didn't know why God had brought her here. Until a mighty gust landed the infant in her arms...and suddenly she knew tha...