When suicide bombers walk into Downtown Disney dressed as cartoon characters, a wave of Soft Target attacks follows on famous tourist destinations across the globe. When the nefarious terrorist leader, Yasser Ahmed turns his focus onto the UK, John T...
When two five-year-old twins are abducted from a campsite in the Lake District, their grandfather, Major Stanley Timms, distrustful of the floundering police investigation, decides to bring in his own Special Forces unit to investigate the case. H...
The discovery of a brutally murdered young woman in an abandoned factory unit draws Detective Alec Ramsay and his Major Investigation team into a complex web of crime in Liverpool’s underworld in this gripping thriller from acclaimed suspense wr...
When a bomb explodes in a van parked outside a Liverpool mosque, local police suspect it to be a racially motivated attack carried out by local right-wing extremists. However, as Detective Superintendent Alec Ramsay’s investigation deepens, he u...
Jodie Barker is six years old. Her father is slipping into heroin addiction, her mother estranged in a love affair and her dynamic career as an investigative reporter. When fuel supplies run dry and the Western World grinds to a halt, riots break out...
A tale you must read to believe!
When Conrad Jones investigates the link between the Order of Nine Angels â€" a Satanic cult â€" and dozens of unsolved murders and missing children, he uncovers a terrifying truth, and the Order is desperate...
When Conrad Jones helps the police identify an occultist symbol carved into the chest of a murder victim, he attracts the attention of a Satanic cult who believe themselves to be human vampires. He writes a book about them exposing how far reaching t...
The full length novel Black Angel is a dark standalone thriller following A Child for the Devil. It is a gritty and violent tale of a man on the run. His life destroyed by an insidious cult, he has no choice but to kill to survive.
Sergeant Melvin Hickey returns home from Iraq missing his legs, which were lost in a road-side bomb attack. He is an emotional wreck and his recovery is marred by bitterness and a twisted hunger for revenge. His anger boils over and leads to a violen...
Conrad Jones, nominated for a 'Gold Dagger' award 2013 Conrad Jones has done it again with his horror books. Dark thriller writing that will have you chewing your fingers as you read! ; Review A Child for the Devil, Nine Angels and Black Angel all in...
The Latest from Conrad Jones When well known community activist, Lacey Taylor goes missing whilst walking her dog, the police are at a loss to find any evidence as to where she is. A local man finds the collar, which belonged to her dog near Crosby B...
The Major Investigation Team are called when the body of a female is found. The victim has been brutally murdered in her bed but the body is unidentifiable. During the initial search, they discover that the house belongs to a serving police officer. ...
BOOK 3 IN THE ANGLESEY MURDERS. The renovation of a remote farmhouse on Anglesey uncovers a chamber of horrors but the crimes are historical. DI Alec Ramsay must sift through the evidence to identify both the victims and the perpetrators, while tryin...
The gripping story of a young boy and his family, driven from their home by war and indiscriminate violence. Like millions of others, they attempt the treacherous journey across their war-torn continent, trying to reach the safety of Europe.
Braddick is back.
Following a storm, a body is washed up on a beach, intricately wrapped in wire mesh.
DS Marcus Braddick is struck by the similarities to a triple murder case from 7
years before - A case that eluded his p...
The hunt is on and it’s never been so deadly.
Detective Braddick is summoned to a horrendous crime scene, where it appears a double murder has taken place. The victims' bodies are missing and the police have no clue as to their identities ...
DI Alan Williams is faced with the most brutal murder scene he's witnessed; the ritual killing of an elderly widow. Evidence at the scene indicates that the murderer is close and the investigation runs at breakneck speed in the hunt to stop them from...
The Magic Dragons of Anglesey is a fun collection of stories set on the island. They are not picture books, although there are some pictures of local landmarks in them, to give the reader a visual reference in their mind as they read. The Rock Goblin...
★★★★★ 100mph from the 1st page. One of the best he has written. If you like gripping and violent, this will enthrall you.★★★★★ Outstanding! Jones has weaved his dark magic again. I simply co...
The Pirate's Treasure is part of The Magic Dragons of Anglesey series. Hen Goch (Old Red) is the oldest and most fearsome of the dragons and she is faced with Spanish pirates approaching Anglesey, on the hunt for stolen treasure. The greedy wizard of...
A Nine Angels Story 44 Brick St is a house with a terrible past built on the site of a plague pit. It is also the site of a huge unmarked grave, which no one can explain. In 1973 while building a new primary school, 5630 unmarked coffins were found, ...
The Child Protection Team are called when a twelve-year-old girl is injured on the way to school and rushed to hospital. The use of a firearm is suspected and a race against the clock begins. Jo Lilly and her team are thrown into the middle of an ong...
The Third in the series.Jo Lilly and the Child Protection Team are working with several families in the same area, where their teenage children are being groomed by the local drug dealing network. The police unit working with them, (Protecting Vulner...