A thrilling, beautifully written mystery debut that brings Victorian Dublin vividly, passionately to life, drawing readers on a gripping journey of murder and intrigue. In the 1880s the Dublin Metropolitan Police classified crime in two distinct c...
"Bodies can tell you a lot. There can be an eloquence about the dead. But you have to be able to interpret what they are telling you... " This captivating, expertly crafted mystery captures the life and essence of Victorian Dublin and draws the re...
In Dublin, newly promoted detective inspector Joe Swallow’s life looks to be taking a turn for the better. In addition to his promotion, he’s settled into a comfortable arrangement with his landlady and paramour, Maria Walsh. That is, until his n...
Swallow and the legendary Chief Superintendent John Mallon must also work tirelessly to counter espionage and subterfuge by the British secret services, who are hell-bent on destroying Charles Stewart Parnell and the Irish struggle for Home Rule. If ...