Leaving his all-too-predictable life in America in search of something more, Daniel finds himself in exotic and enchanted Los Puentes Caidos, where he meets the town sage, Santiago, who presides over a wonderfully idiosyncratic circle of thinkers. Wi...
In the continuation of the popular The Boy Who Spoke Dog, Jack and his beloved dog, Moxie, are reunited on the island where they first met. Jack is not the only human on the island: the mysterious and dangerous Blackburn Jukes is there, too, searchin...
When Jack washes up on a mysterious island after a deadlystorm, there's no one to help him, except for the dogs. The sheepdogs on the island have eyes that speak right to Jack's heart, especially one dog -- Moxie. But when angry beasts called fangos ...
The Shack and Other Short Stories. A collection of crime and mystery short stories by Edward Clay Morgan. An old man finds a girl held captive in a rural ranch. A cop shoots and kills a suspect on his first night riding alone. A rancher ge...