In the land of time and Queens, one young woman sought not greed, but justice! Satchel & Sword I: The Search for The Saluka Stone is part one of a Young Adult Epic Fantasy trilogy chronicling the struggles and perseverance of Nevaline Scarcliff...
The charge continues! In Satchel & Sword II: The Caátlach Islands, our heroes Nevaline, Cairine, and Mocsli begin their perilous search for the second fragment on the Caátlach Ocean. Having no other information about its location, they head north t...
The stunning conclusion to the Satchel & Sword Series! Nevaline and her best friend Cairine have braved jealous squad-mates, thieves, giant human-eaters, Harpies, her evil grandfather, brigands of the Caátlach Ocean, half-gods, and their self-doubt ...
“We riot our way in!” Captured by a rogue crew on a desert planet called Voxa, Brava Hernandez became a pawn in a political struggle for power. Her only hope was to take one of their spaceships and head as far away from that planet as possible. S...
BE PREPARED, BECAUSE YOU JUST NEVER KNOW… Forced to join a gang to gain the attention of parents who could care less, 15-year-old Brava Hernandez fended for herself in the heart of East Los Angeles, 2219. Drugs, robberies, gang violence … nothing...